Author: admin@os

Your 2022 cybersecurity playbook

We’re all exhausted by 2020, a year that was unpredictable to say the least. Many companies and organizations were forced into a storm of reactionary steps necessary for business continuity reasons at best, and commercial survival at worst. Unprecedented as times were, many cybersecurity predictions for 2020 remained valid, but the operating context transpired to ...

Top 10 latest technology trends you must follow in 2022

A substantial digital revolution is taking place all over the world. Innovation, agility, and market development are all accelerated by technological advancements. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated digitization and automation, allowing companies to remain resilient even in adversity. Many businesses adopted disruptive technologies and modified their business models. The pandemic’s effect will be felt for a ...

How technology has changed the world of medicine

The healthcare industry today is not what it was just five years ago. This is largely due to technology and a large number of innovative digital solutions that are introduced every day. Many technological solutions have been proposed for several problems that the world of medicine was facing, and these have greatly changed and improved ...
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